The design and implementation of game engines for real-time 3D games including topics such as camera control, environmental effects, articulated models, terrain, vegetation, collision detection, particles, emitters, triggers, portals, waypoints, mirrors, and shadows. Prerequisite(s): COMP 2004, COMP 2404 or SYSC 3010.Lectures three hours a week.

COMP 4002 [0.5 credit] Real-Time 3D Game Engines

The design and implementation of game engines for real-time 3D games including topics such as camera control, environmental effects, articulated models, terrain, vegetation, collision detection, particles, emitters, triggers, portals, waypoints, mirrors, and shadows. Prerequisite(s): COMP 2004, COMP 2404 or SYSC 3010.Lectures three hours a week.

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