Geographic, historical, demographic, cultural, political and social developments in Québec. Examination of Québec society, from the colonial period to the present. Topics may include the evolving structures and values of Quebec society, cultural productions and policies, relations with English Canada, debates on identity and nationalism. Also listed as CDNS 2510. Prerequisite(s): second-year standing or permission of the Department.Lectures/groups three hours a week.

FINS 2510 [0.5 credit] Introduction to Québec Society

Geographic, historical, demographic, cultural, political and social developments in Québec. Examination of Québec society, from the colonial period to the present. Topics may include the evolving structures and values of Quebec society, cultural productions and policies, relations with English Canada, debates on identity and nationalism. Also listed as CDNS 2510. Prerequisite(s): second-year standing or permission of the Department.Lectures/groups three hours a week.

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